Pokemon has been ruling the young generation’s fancy since 1995 without showing any signs of letting up! So it is only natural that your child may want a birthday themed on this Japanese anime franchise. With that in mind, we have put together a selection of Pokemon based birthday invitation cards that you can print, some right away; others may need some work in order to customize them as per your needs!
Printable Pokemon Birthday Party Invitations
Here are some of the readily printable Pokemon themed birthday invitations. Ask your child, or if you are planning a surprise, choose as many as you like, and go ahead with the printing, before sending out the cards, duly filled!
Pokemon Birthday Invitation Card Ideas
Now, you might have a few ideas of your own about what kind of cards you want. The following few invitations will require some work on your part, some of them you can download and edit as per your needs on Adobe Photoshop or MS Paint, while the first one gives you a tutorial on how to make your very own Pokemon ball cards.