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Home / Crafts / 35 Free Printable Chore Chart Templates For Organizing Your Household
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Are you tired of constantly reminding your kids to do their chores? Craving a more structured and peaceful home? Your solution is right here!

Our 35 free printable chore chart templates are all about helping your kids learn about responsibility and managing time, all while reducing arguments and power struggles.

Just start using these charts early on, shower your kids with positivity and appreciation, and show them how it’s done.

For the younger ones, we’ve got charts with pictures to make tasks super simple to understand and remember.

Stop waiting and start organizing today!

Why Use Free Printable Chore Chart Templates: They’re Simply Awesome!

Let’s cut to the chase, free printable chore charts are just too cool for school! They bring a ton of benefits for you and your little ones. Plus, they make running a home a whole lot smoother (and fun).

First off, they help form a routine for your kids. By using these downloadable templates, your children not only learn about responsibility but also enjoy the process.

When the kiddos knock off their chores, they can feel like they’ve really achieved something. Believe it or not, it can give them a real confidence boost.

The coolest thing is chore charts keep the peace at home. Everybody knows what they need to do, keeping arguments to a minimum (phew!). Studies have shown kids who chip in around the house end up having better relationships when they grow up.

And if that doesn’t blow your socks off, how about this: doing chores can actually make your kids smarter. Yep, it can help boost brain power and make them little math and analysis whizzes. More benefits below!

  1. Research says kids who help out around the house make better friends and are big on family values as they grow up. You can thank the amazing teamwork they learn doing chores for that.
  2. Ready to stop the squabbles? Chore charts clearly lay out who does what so there’s no room for disagreement. An easy-to-follow chore chart template is just what you need to keep power struggles at bay. Peace at last!
  3. How’s this for a life skill? Chores teach kids how to manage their time wisely.
  4. Chores aren’t just chores, they’re brain-boosting activities. When setting the table, for example, kids are sharpening their maths and analytic skills by counting plates and cutlery. This can help them nail other areas like reading and writing too.
  5. Kids learn a thing or two about discipline, and that can help them understand how to manage their piggy bank better.
  6. Chore charts are like the stepping stones to independence. As they grow up, kids can check their tasks off their printable chore charts all by themselves.

How to Use Free Chore Chart Printables

  1. Start by downloading and printing your chosen free chore chart template.
  2. Once you have it printed, decide how you want to use it. You can assign specific chores to each family member or let them choose their own tasks.
  3. It’s important to involve everyone in the process, so have a family meeting to discuss the chore chart and get everyone’s input.
  4. Display the chart in a visible location, such as the kitchen or a common area, so that everyone can easily see it.
  5. Encourage each family member to mark off their completed tasks and provide praise and encouragement for their efforts.
  6. Remember to be patient and understanding as everyone adjusts to the new routine.

Chore chart templates with pictures

Chore charts with pictures are an absolute win for the little ones. They are easier to grasp, especially if your kid cannot read yet. Infusing images allows even the tiniest members of the family to feel included in the household chores.

They can navigate these free printable chore charts all on their own. By featuring pictures, it becomes a cinch for kiddos to remember what work needs to be tackled each day or week. Talk about making chores enjoyable and easy-peasy!

Picture chore chart

Our creatively designed picture chore charts are a breeze to use right in the comfort of your home. Each downloadable chore chart includes three color-coded columns for:

  1. Morning
  2. Day
  3. Evening

We provide two versions of our free printable chore charts with gorgeous pictures:

  1. A spacious landscape version that accommodates four chores and handy boxes to jot down the day of the week, date, month, and weather.
  2. A neat portrait version capable of hosting five chores.
Picture chore chart

Once you’ve downloaded the chart, start printing and slicing out the daily routine squares. Filled with delightful images representing different chores, these squares will adorn your kid’s chore chart, ready to be tackled.

The layout is kid-friendly, with an array of easy chores to select from, like “set the table” and “wash the dishes”. The simplicity and fun pictures make it easy for children to follow.

Here’s the best part: you can print as many of these free kiddie chore chart templates as you wish. You can even laminate the chart and chore cards for durability and reuse.

To stick the chore cards on the chart, just stick a small bit of blu-tack at the back of each card, or attach Velcro circles to the backs of the cards and the center of the boxes on the chore chart.

Chore chart templates for children

Chore chart templates for children

We’ve got an incredible lineup of chore charts designed just for your kiddies. These charts are ready to have your young helpers up and about, lending a hand around the house.

We also have exciting, fun designs, ready to be downloaded and printed for your entire family – from the littlest ones to the grown-ups!

Chore Chart For 3-Year-Old

Chore Chart For 3-Year-Old

Three is the magic number to introduce chore charts to your young ones. At this age, children are more than ready to engage in easy tasks that can boost their confidence and kickstart those motor skills.

By looping in your 3-year-old in chore chart activities, you’re doing much more than teaching them the ropes of responsibility. You’re planting the seeds of independence and giving them the feeling of being a valued contributor to your family.

Here are some tasks that you can include in a chore chart for your 3-year-old:

  1. Putting dirty clothes in a basket or helping with pet care
  2. Watering plants and tidying away toys and games
  3. Setting up the bathroom for a bath and stacking books

Remember, a little praise and cheer go a long way in keeping young ones pumped up about doing chores. So, ensure you’re their biggest cheerleader along the way.

Stay easy-going about how well they nail their tasks – the aim is participation, not perfection. And nothing speaks louder than action, so be their role model by doing your own chores and showing them how it’s done!

Chore Chart For 4-Year-Old

Chore Chart For 4-Year-Old

Keeping your little ones on track with chores gets easier when you use a chore chart tailored for their age bracket. A chore chart for a four-year-old can transform chores into a cool, fun game while nurturing values of independence and responsibility.

Your four-year-old kid is ready to tackle some cute little tasks, like:

  1. Tidying up their toys
  2. Giving pets their food 
  3. Lending a hand when it’s time to set the table

To keep things simple and understandable, make sure their chore chart is packed with vibrant pictures and easy-to-follow instructions.

Chore Chart For 5-Year-Old

Chore Chart For 5-Year-Old

You can assign a variety of age-appropriate tasks to your 5-year-old using a chore chart for children. This helpful chart will not only assist you in keeping tabs on their assigned tasks but also be their invaluable tutor in teaching vital life lessons and fostering a sense of responsibility.

Here are three reasons why using a chore chart for your 5-year-old can be beneficial:

  1. Independence: Assign tasks on the chart and watch your little ones shine as they independently complete them, rewarding them with a sense of accomplishment.
  2. Responsibility: By having a set of their own chores, your 5-year-old will get the scoop on responsibility and the satisfaction of being a contributing member of the household.
  3. Teamwork: Including your kiddo in home chores spells out the essence of teamwork and the gratifying act of lending a hand to others.

Chore Chart For 6-Year-Old

Chore Chart For 6-Year-Old

This is the age when your child’s confidence starts blossoming, making it an amazing time to laud their awesome achievements.

6-year-olds are all about fun! So, why not make chores an exciting game that they look forward to? Turn those daily and weekly tasks into laugh-filled adventures and watch them dive in with glee.

Here are some tasks your 6-year-old can tackle with ease:

  1. Changing the toilet paper roll when it runs out
  2. Emptying the dishwasher if you have one
  3. Wiping down bathroom surfaces
  4. Loading and unloading the washing machine

Chore Chart For 7-Year-Old

Chore Chart For 7-Year-Old

Your 7-year-old  is ready to up their responsibility game with a chore chart designed specifically for their age. Here are some tasks you can assign to your 7-year-old and why it’s important to involve them in household chores:

  1. Cleaning: Encourage them to help with tasks like dusting, sweeping, and wiping surfaces. This teaches them the importance of maintaining a clean and organized environment.
  2. Cooking: Involve them in meal preparation, like measuring ingredients or stirring. This not only teaches them basic cooking skills but also instills a sense of responsibility and pride in contributing to family meals.
  3. Yard work: Assign tasks like watering plants or pulling weeds. This helps them develop an appreciation for nature and the importance of taking care of their surroundings.

Chore Chart For 8-Year-Old

Chore Chart For 8-Year-Old

When your kid turns 8, they’re primed and ready to embrace chores that impart valuable life skills and make them feel like integral members of the family unit. 

Present to them a chore chart that’s specifically designed for them, with each task distinctly marked. This way, they can get on top of their chores independently if they choose to.

Have a look at some chores ideally suited for your 8-year-old:

  1. Being the designated dog-walker: Your kid may have helped with basic pet care before but now, they can take it up a notch by independently walking the pet.
  2. Shaping up a shopping list: This useful task allows your kid to flex their math skills by figuring out the number of residents, food required for the day, and the amount consumed.
  3. Donning the chef’s hat: At 8, your kid can dabble more in the kitchen. Simple meal preparations can be their domain. You could even get them their own set of colorful utensils which they’re responsible for cleaning up later.
  4. Storing groceries: This simple task can teach them organization and attentiveness.

Chore Chart For 9-Year-Old

Chore Chart For 9-Year-Old

As kids grow so does their ability to pitch in more for the family. By 9, your kid is ready to tackle bigger, more grown-up chores.

It’s here that a chore chart designed for 9-year-olds comes in handy, offering them a clear view of their responsibilities and a hearty dose of satisfaction once they’ve aced their tasks. 

This is also a good time to introduce the concept of monetary rewards for task completion if you’d like to give that a whirl. 

Here’s a glimpse of the kind of chores your 9-year-old can effortlessly manage:

  1. Sewing buttons
  2. Putting younger brothers and sisters to bed and helping them get dressed
  3. Washing the car
  4. Helping with simple household repairs and projects

Chore Chart For 10-Year-Old

Chore Chart For 10-Year-Old

Once your kid turns 10, they’re ripe for a range of independent chores. Be it indoors or outside in the garden, they’re now ready to help out in a big way.

We’ve got a free printable chore chart for 10-year-olds, custom-crafted with slots for 10 chores. 

While 10-year-olds can function with less supervision, safety reminders are still a must, especially for tasks involving the hot stove or cleaning agents.

Let’s face it, older kids might try to wriggle out of chores. That’s when our chore chart steps in, providing the perfect nudge, especially when paired with cool rewards.

A couple of chore ideas for 10-year-olds:

  1. Laundry: They learn how to work the washing machine and tumble dryer.
  2. Window washing: Perfect way to encourage cleanliness and attention to detail.

Chore Charts For Multiple Kids

Chore Charts For Multiple Kids

Are you a parent with multiple kids and struggling to keep track of their chores? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with chore charts designed specifically for multiple kids.

Whether you have 2, 3, 4, or even 5 kids, these chore charts will help you stay organized and ensure that each child has their own set of tasks to complete.

Say goodbye to the chaos and hello to a more structured and efficient household routine.

Chore Chart For 2 Kids

Chore Chart For 2 Kids

Our two-kids chore chart is your perfect ally in splitting up the week’s chores between your two children.  It comes with ample space to mark down each child’s name and list their individual tasks for each day. Talk about making chore organization a piece of cake!

Chore Chart For 3 Kids

Chore Chart For 3 Kids

Got three champs in your household? Divide and rule those chores with our free printable chore chart designed specifically for three kids. 

Simply fill in their names in the designated spaces and jot down their weekly chore list. Hang it on a notice board or your fridge for easy access. This way, each kid can swiftly check their tasks and relish in the satisfaction of crossing out tasks as they complete them. It’s all about making chores a smooth and satisfying process!

Chore Chart For 4 Kids

Chore Chart For 4 Kids

With our printable chore chart for four kids, your entire week’s chore plan becomes a delightfully visual treat. Each kiddo gets a color-coded section — their very own mini dashboard of tasks. This way, it’s super easy for each child to zoom straight into their weekly chores. Talk about making chores a breeze for the whole family!

Chore Chart For 5 Kids

Chore Chart For 5 Kids

Running a large family of five kids? Our chore chart for five kids is just what you need. This vibrant chart is neatly sectioned into color-coded areas, each accommodating a kid’s list of chores right under their name. 

Simplicity is its charm, allowing you to catch the week’s tasks for everyone with just a quick glance. 

For a reusable chore chart, just laminate it and use a dry-wipe marker to check off the chores as they get completed. It’s all about making chores straightforward and hassle-free for the whole troop!

Allowance Chore Chart Templates

Allowance Chore Chart Templates

For families embracing the approach of doling out pocket money in exchange for chores, we have the perfect allowance chore chart templates. These are designed to seamlessly track your child’s completed chores as well as the earned amount.

The amount of pocket money handed out for chores varies from family to family. At the end of the day, settling on an amount that fits beautifully with your family’s lifestyle and practices is the way to go.

Chores Money Chart

Chores Money Chart

Our printable chores money chart is your visual guide to maintaining a tally of your child’s chores for the week and the money they rack up. The chart features dedicated columns for the chore, its value, a check box for each day, and a row total. 

The fun part? There’s a box at the bottom of the chart for the total allowance earned. This way, your kiddo can quickly see their hard-earned money for the week! Efficient and motivating, this chart brings the perfect blend of chores and rewards.

Allowance Chore Chart Tracker

Allowance Chore Chart Tracker

Presenting our vibrant allowance chore chart tracker, the fun-filled way for your kids to keep a record of their chore money earnings. By week’s end, the daily earnings add up to reveal their total allowance – a cool (and sneaky) method for brushing up on their math skills. So, get ready for a shot of delight as chores meet math in this engaging allowance tracker!

Pocket Money Chores Chart

Pocket Money Chores Chart

When your kiddo is looking to make a little extra pocket money for their favorite toys and fun stuff, our pocket money chores chart comes to the rescue. It’s a great tool for them to monitor their earnings throughout the week.

And come Saturday, it’s the exciting time to tally up their week’s earnings. Bring on the fun and fulfillment with our pocket money chores chart!

Blank Chore Chart Printable Templates

Blank Chore Chart Printable Templates

Recognizing that each household carries its unique charm, we’ve developed blank chore chart templates that you can customize to fit seamlessly into your family’s lifestyle. Now you have the freedom to personalize your free chore charts just the way you want.

Blank Chore Chart Template Daily & Weekly

Blank Chore Chart Template Daily & Weekly

Families often juggle between chores that are daily affairs and others that show up on the weekly roster. Our blank chore chart template makes it a breeze to consolidate daily and weekly chores on a single, user-friendly printable sheet. Now, keeping track of chores just got a whole lot easier!

Daily Blank Chore Chart

Daily Blank Chore Chart

Check out our free, printable daily chore chart, made with ample space for all your tasks. We’ve included a handy note section at the bottom. Great for noting down cleaning supplies you’ll need to stock up on after your chores.

Landscape Blank Chore Chart

Landscape Blank Chore Chart

To create a landscape blank chore chart, simply print out a template and fill in the tasks that need to be completed each day. This type of chore chart provides a clear and organized layout for tracking daily responsibilities. Ideal for showcasing on noticeboards or refrigerators, this chart allows you to check off your tasks as you complete them throughout the week.

Family Chore Chart Template Pack

Family Chore Chart Template Pack

This pack includes chore charts specifically designed for families of different sizes. Whether you have a family of 2, 3, 4, or 5, these templates will help you stay organized and distribute chores among your family members.

With these customizable charts, you can assign tasks and track everyone’s progress. This makes chore time a collaborative and efficient process for the whole family.

Chore Chart For Family of 2

Chore Chart For Family of 2

This vibrant chore chart, designed for a family of two, provides an easy and transparent way to assign weekly chores. Each family member is represented by a distinct color-coded section; a quick stroke across a completed task is all it takes to track progress. With this chart, sailing through household duties becomes quick and efficient.

Chore Chart For Family of 3

Chore Chart For Family of 3

Our chore chart, tailor-made for a family of three, is designed to keep everyone on track with their weekly tasks. The chart includes dedicated sections for each family member, along with daily columns. For a fun twist, transform daily chores into a race and see who completes their assignments first each day!

Chore Chart For Family of 4

Chore Chart For Family of 4

This chore chart serves as the ideal aid for managing daily household tasks. Allocate chores according to each family member’s age, capability, and preference, and list them under their respective color-coded sections.

Splitting chores ensures no single person is overwhelmed with tasks. It’s also a fantastic way to nurture teamwork within the family.

Chore Chart For Family of 5

Chore Chart For Family of 5

Organizing chores for a sizable family can be challenging, yet our chore chart for a family of 5 makes it a lot smoother. 

Each family member gets a unique color-coded area displaying their weekly chores. They can then check off tasks as they complete them. How about adding an exciting twist? Consider offering a little treat or recognition for the first family member who wraps up all their chores.

Printable Adult Chore Chart Templates

Printable Adult Chore Chart Templates

One option for adults looking to stay organized with their household tasks is to use printable chore charts. These charts can help you keep track of your responsibilities and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.

Here are a few reasons why printable adult chore charts can be beneficial:

  1. Provides a visual reminder of tasks, helping you stay focused and motivated
  2. Creates a sense of accomplishment as you check off completed chores
  3. Helps you prioritize your tasks and manage your time effectively

Using printable chore charts can bring a sense of structure and organization to your daily routine, making it easier to stay on top of your responsibilities.


Chore charts can work wonders for any household, no matter how big or small your family is. Aside from making your home cleaner and more organized, these charts have many perks for kids and adults alike.

They help kids grow independent, learn to manage their time, and grasp how money works. They can even aid in brain growth.

Kids can start with simple chores, building up to bigger tasks and responsibilities as they grow. So by the time they’re teens, they’re ready for bigger challenges. And who knows? Your home might just become the tidiest in the neighborhood!

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When you want something light to do to spend a few casual hours, Kitty Baby Love provides you with fun craft ideas, along with cool activities like origami instructions, printable puzzles, word games and more. Relax after a stressful day by indulging in exercising your brain or your creative mind and letting your inner child take control.

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