Dinosaurs never fail to evoke awe in little ones with their peculiar shape and movements. Let them relive the experience of the prehistoric reptiles by virtue of the below printables.
Free and Printable Dinosaur Masks
Most of the printables require you to cut along the dotted lines. Even if there are no dotted lines, don’t forget to cut off the holes for the eyes. The collection boasts of including various types of dinosaurs.

Source: lh3.googleusercontent.com
Source: i.pinimg.com
Source: supercoloring.com
Source: lh3.googleusercontent.com
Source: lh3.googleusercontent.com
Source: lh3.googleusercontent.com
Source: i.pinimg.com
Source: lh3.googleusercontent.com
You would love it when the kiddos want to scare you with these masks or involve in enacting a scene from the Jurassic age as they play. There are some masks that need to be colored before using them.