18 Fun Wedding Mad Libs

Are your wedding invitations and vows on the card? Then you must have thought about Mad Libs! Who says weddings are limited to formal ceremonies and momentous dinners? You can insert a bit of fun in it too for you and your guests!
To ease your work, here are some printable wedding mad libs for both the couple and guests. Apart from breaking the ice, this game also gives your guests the chance to share their valuable advice with you. So, check out the entire list and print whichever design you wish.

11 Free Wedding Advice and RSVP Mad Libs Game Templates

Displayed below are wedding advice and RSVP mad libs, which you can distribute to your guests or send them beforehand with the invitation. This way, they will have a good time replying to your invitation.

Wedding Mad Libs

Source: 4.bp.blogspot.com

Wedding Mad Libs Ideas

Source: Media1.Popsugar-assets.com

Free Printable Wedding Mad Libs

Source: Media1.Popsugar-assets.com

Mad Lib Wedding Rsvp

Source: Static.WeddingBee.com

Wedding Advice For The Happy Couple Mad Lib

Source: Media1.Popsugar-assets.com

Although they have everything planned out beforehand, soon-to-be-wed couples don’t really have a definite idea of what will happen in their married life. For this reason, some couples solicit advice from their elder family members and trusted friends. And you can do this by giving out wedding mad libs cards to your guests. Feel free to use this advice for the happy couple template, so you won’t have to worry about creating one from scratch!

Guest Mad Libs Wedding Edition

Source: Media1.Popsugar-assets.com

Wedding Mad Libs Free Downloadable

Source: Pinterest.com

Wedding Mad Libs Funny

Source: Media1.Popsugar-assets.com

Those guests who know you very well can also participate in a game that helps you narrate your love story in their own sweet or funny way. Get this mad libs template that lets guests fill in the blanks to complete the story of how you and your partner met. Have fun reading or hearing their answers!

Wedding Reception Mad Libs Template

Source: FreeTemplateIdeas.com

Wedding Program For Couple Mad Libs

Source: Media1.Popsugar-assets.com

Wedding Themed Mad Libs

Source: Pinterest.com

7 Printable Wedding Vows Mad Libs for the Happy Couple

Instead of being too emotional, you can add a flavor of fun with these printable wedding vows mad libs cards.

Wedding Shower Mad Libs Printable Free

Source: KateAspen.com

Bridal Shower Mad Libs Wedding Vows

Source: KateAspen.com

Wedding Vow Mad Libs

Source: Pinterest.com

Wedding Day Mad Libs

Source: Pinterest.com

When emotions overflow, we sometimes have a hard time finding the words to explain how we feel. Worry no more! You can use this wedding vows mad libs template to help you write your vows. With this document, you will now be ready for the ceremony!

Wedding Vow Mad Libs Template

Source: Pinterest.com

Mad Libs Wedding Speech

Source: BuildingContractor.co

Wedding Vow Mad Libs Printable

Source: EventstoCelebrate.net

These wonderful ideas will lighten up the mood of the ceremony to a great extent. After all, what could be better than starting the new venture of your life with laughter and love?

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