Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Home / Crafts / How to Make a Piñata: 11 DIYs
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A piñata is a colorful and fun addition to any party. The main structure can be made from cardboard or balloons. Then it can be covered with colorful crepe paper fringe. You can follow it up by adding the facial features if you are modeling it on an animal. You can involve children in the craft. They would be very happy to be a part of it.

Instructions for Making a Pinata

 A rainbow-colored number one piñata can be a great decoration idea for a baby’s first birthday. Well, you can make it for any digit you like.

How to Make a Pinata

Mini DIY Pinata

This tutorial gives you a wonderful opportunity to recycle your used tissue boxes. They are perfect for this craft as they already have a place for stuffing candies and treats.

DIY Pinata

Making a Pinata

Children have a whole lot of fun smashing the candies out of piñatas at birthday parties. The tissue paper candy receptacles can be made easily by following this step-by-step guide.

How to Make Pinata

Making a Cute Fish Pinata

The fish piñata looks adorable floating and basking in the sunshine. It can be a part of a fun game for all ages.

How to Make Piñatas

Pinata Making Steps

In this DIY, the unicorn is first covered up to the neck with crepe paper fringe going in one direction and the head is wrapped in a different direction.

Make a Pinata

DIY Paper Mache Pinata

Pinata DIY

Homemade Pinata Using a Balloon

How to Make a Pinata with a Balloon

Cardboard Pinata Tutorial

How to Make Cardboard Pinata

DIY Idea for Halloween Pinata

DIY Halloween Pinata Ideas

Paper Mache Pinata Guide

How to Make a Paper Mache Pinata

Cardboard Pinata How-to

Make Your Own Pinata with Cardboard

Out of the images given above, you can choose a piñata that appeals to you most and jazz up the next party hosted by you. If you don’t have time to make a piñata from scratch, you can draw inspiration from the DIY mini tissue paper box piñata listed above.

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When you want something light to do to spend a few casual hours, Kitty Baby Love provides you with fun craft ideas, along with cool activities like origami instructions, printable puzzles, word games and more. Relax after a stressful day by indulging in exercising your brain or your creative mind and letting your inner child take control.

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